Adoption Slideshow

Monday, January 14, 2008

Why is the wait soooo long?

I get asked this question all the time. To be honest, it's a difficult question to answer. Families with Children from China (FCC) is an international, nondenominational organization of families who have adopted children from China. The purpose of FCC is to provide a network of support for families who've adopted in China and to provide information to prospective parents. With recent changes made from the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA) with regard to prospective adoptive parents, FCC wrote a letter to CCAA. You can read that letter here:

FCC recently received a response to their letter from the CCAA director. You can read the translation of this letter here:

The short answer is that there are far more adoptive parents waiting to adopt from China than there are available orphans. But it is interesting to see the dialog between the two organizations.



Anonymous said...

very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

Waiting and not knowing are the two hardest things in life.
Waiting with you--
Diane in Ohio :)